Friday, March 16, 2012

My mother, my daughter

The transition, not as smooth as I would have liked

One day she was answering my questions,

Looking after me like I was still a child,

And fighting with the world one person at a time

Defending my every whim, my mother

The very next, on a hospital bed

She was looking at me for answers

Fighting for every breath,

And completely dependent on me,

Consulting me on matters of life and death, my daughter

The switch, sudden as lightning

Made me want to shout at the One controlling the world

Yet I’ve never been more at a loss for words

And completely caught up with all that had to be done

Surrounded by faces suddenly I was all alone

A year, long and arduous as it was

Survivors, brave and strong

We made it through the turbulent waters

And we smile, our broken yet wide, proud smiles

There are tears as well, of triumph over cancer

Back to the routine, boring and mundane

She again is the mother with the final word

I’m once again the daughter with whims and wishes

And we fight, talk, laugh, share

All the while being grateful for each day we have

Monday, March 05, 2012

Triveni: पलाश

आज फिर पलाश से बातें करने को जी करता है,
उसकी नारंगी मुस्कुराहट से लिपटने को जी करता है,

कई साल बाद होली खेलने को जी करता है|